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Jack Roberts


Meet Jack Roberts

Jack is an Associate lawyer specialising in TAC based in the Zaparas Lawyers Sunshine office.

Jack grew up on a dairy farm in Gippsland and although his studies brought him to Melbourne, he has maintained a close connection with regional communities.

With a passion for helping people, especially those facing the power imbalance and challenges posed by WorkSafe and TAC.

Jack takes pride in his compassionate approach, providing an extra layer of support for those dealing with the WorkCover and TAC schemes.

Away from work, Jack enjoys spending time with his partner, family and friends while devoting any extra time to his passion for drumming and AFL.

“I strive to ease the burden that our vulnerable clients face on a daily basis to achieve the best possible result during an awful time in their lives.”
Practice Areas
TAC (Road Accident), WorkCover


  • LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
  • BMedia (Bachelor of Media Studies)
  • GDLP (Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice)

Memberships & Accreditations

  • Law Institute of Victoria