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Asbestos Lawyers

If you have been exposed to Asbestos, we will help get the compensation you deserve.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a natural mineral fibre that was commonly used in the construction of homes and buildings prior to the 1990’s. In fact, about one in three Australian homes today contain asbestos. Asbestos was also commonly used in the automotive industry. The use of asbestos is now banned in Australia due to the severe health risks following exposure.  For further information on Asbestos read our blog regarding the impact of its exposure.

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Who can make an asbestos compensation claim?

Many jobs within the trade industries are susceptible to contracting an asbestos-based disease. Some of these susceptible professions include:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Mechanics
  • Construction Workers
  • Firefighters
  • Sheet Metal Workers
  • Miners

Where is Asbestos found?

Unfortunately, Asbestos is still being found in building, manufacturing and automotive products which include:

  • Old Cement Sheets
  • Paints
  • Sealants
  • Fireproofing Products
  • Roofing
  • Pipes
  • Brake pads
  • Clutches

These Asbestos fibres may be released via drilling, cutting, sanding or otherwise breaking products that contain asbestos fibres. Illnesses often appear decades after the initial exposure. If you have worked or been near these products, it is possible you have been exposed.

What are the most common Asbestos related illnesses?

  • Asbestosis (scarring and inflammation of lung tissue);
  • Pleural disease (thickening of membranes around lungs); and
  • Cancer including lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma (a rare form of cancer than can affect the lining of organs including the lungs and abdomen)

Who pays for compensation for asbestos injuries?

Medical and Treatment Expenses
    • GP appointments
    • Hospital expenses
    • Psychological/Psychiatric therapy
    • Medication expenses
    • Personal and home help services
    • Radiology
    • Surgery
    • Travel expenses
Weekly Payments
Lump Sum Compensation
Superannuation Entitlements

Any amount of asbestos exposure poses a risk, although not everyone who is exposed will develop an asbestos related illness. Inhalation and/or digestions of asbestos fibres can result in an illness.

Exposure to Asbestos can occur at work, home or in the community. If you have been around products that contained asbestos and have developed serious health problems, it is important to seek medical advice.

It is also recommended that legal advice is sought in relation to possible entitlements to WorkCover compensation and/or entitlements through your Superannuation.

Zaparas Lawyers have a team of experienced asbestos lawyers that can help you make a claim for compensation if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related illness. We have seen the devastating impact of asbestos related illnesses, not just to the affected person, but to their family and friends.

Exposure to Asbestos is not exclusive to the workplace for trade workers. It is possible to encounter asbestos in your own home. Asbestos-related illnesses from home renovations are also possible. If you believe you may have been exposed to Asbestos either at work or at home, our Asbestos Lawyers at Zaparas are willing to work with you to aid in your compensation claim.

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Home or hospital

If you can’t come to us, we can come to you.


We advocate for your rights and manage discussions with the insurance companies.

Keep you

Our team will regularly update you about the progress of your claim.

No Win,
No Fee

In the unlikely event that we don’t secure compensation for you, we will not charge you for any of our professional fees.

Zaparas Lawyers expertise in asbestos claims in Melbourne

Zaparas Lawyers have a team of asbestos lawyers who specialise in these types of claims. If you think you or someone you know may be at risk of developing an asbestos related disease or you or someone you know has been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease, contact us now for an obligation and cost-free discussion about your potential legal entitlements.

Zaparas Lawyers have successfully acted for many asbestos clients, including a number for whom we have successfully obtained the statutory maximum in lump sum compensation for pain and suffering for them.

Trust our family to care for you and contact us today for an obligation-free initial appointment.

We’ve seen how traumatic and life-changing an injury can be, so we understand how important it is that you don’t have to worry about the financial side of your claim.

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What is asbestos?

Asbestos refers to a group of naturally occurring minerals that were commonly mined and used in construction materials. When asbestos fibres are inhaled, they become embedded in the lining of organs such as lungs which cause inflammation and eventually tumours.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that affects mesothelial cells which cover most internal organs and in particular the lungs. It is caused by exposure to asbestos.

Who can be diagnosed with mesothelioma?
Can I still be exposed to asbestos?
I’m concerned about a potential asbestos exposure. What could I be entitled to if I’ve suffered an asbestos-related injury?
Is there a delay between exposure and diagnosis?
What do I need to bring along to my consultation?
English is my second language. Are you able to provide an interpreter?
How much will I pay in legal costs?

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