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Understanding Your Rights and Entitlements After a Back Injury

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Please note that this post was written for Queensland audiences and the information within may not apply to other regions.

Can I Claim Compensation if I Have Suffered a Back Injury?

Back injuries are one of the most common and debilitating injuries, often preventing you from working and impacting your daily life. Whether your injury happened at work, in a car accident, or a public place, you may be entitled to compensation.

How Can I Claim Compensation for a Back Injury?

  • Work-related injury:
    • If you have suffered a back injury at work, you may be eligible for compensation under Queensland’s Workers’ Compensation Scheme. In addition to receiving weekly payments to support you during your recovery, the scheme covers all necessary medical and treatment expenses to aid your rehabilitation.   
  • Motor Vehicle accident:
    • If you’ve suffered a back injury from a motor vehicle accident, you may be eligible for compensation under the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Scheme. There are deadlines for submitting your claim, and our experienced road accident lawyers are here to assist you through this complex process.
  • Public liability:
    • If your back injury was caused by negligence in public places, such as pathways or supermarkets, you may be entitled to seek compensation through the public liability insurance of the entity responsible for the area where the injury occurred.

How Much Compensation Can You Receive for a Back Injury?

The amount of compensation depends on factors such as loss of income, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and impact on your quality of life.

  • Please note, these are general estimates and not a guarantee of compensation for any individual case.
Severity of InjuryEstimated Compensation Range
Minor injuries (sprains, strains)$18,000.00 – $30,000.00
Moderate injuries (herniated discs, nerve impingements)$30,000.00 – $100,000.00
Severe injuries (spinal damage)$500,000.00 +

Time Limits for Back Injury Claims:

Types of ClaimsTime Limit
Work-Related Injury6 months from the date of injury or onset of symptoms
Motor Vehicle Accident3 years from the accident date
Public Liability3 years from the incident date

It’s important to be aware of deadlines that apply to these types of claims. Understanding these deadlines and your rights can help you navigate the claims process.

TPD Insurance

If your injuries have left you with a permanent disability and you are unable to return to your preinjury role, you may be entitled to a Total Permanent Disablement claim. Common qualifying injuries include:

  • Herniated or bulging discs
  • Spinal fractures
  • Chronic inflammation or degeneration of the spine
  • Severe nerve damage