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  • Worker cutting concrete whilst dust flows around them creating an environment that can cause silicosis

    WorkCover Entitlements for Occupational Diseases

    If a worker contracts a disease as a result of exposure to risk factors arising from the nature of employment, that disease may be classified as an occupational disease. Are there any entitlements?

    READ MORE about WorkCover Entitlements for Occupational Diseases
  • Occupational Asthma – What you need to know

    BACKGROUND: Approximately 2.8 million Australians live with asthma, which causes around 400 deaths every year. Up to 25% of adult-onset asthma cases are caused by occupational exposures, with as many as 3000 new cases of occupational asthma each year in Australia. …

    READ MORE about Occupational Asthma – What you need to know
  • Man with laptop doing taxes

    Are WorkCover payments taxable?

    Generally, if the payments relate to your loss of income because of your injury, then it will usually be assessable income and therefore taxable. But when is this the case?

    READ MORE about Are WorkCover payments taxable?
  • Hand filling out a work injury claim form

    Do I Need a Lawyer for My WorkCover Claim?

    Navigating the Victorian WorkCover Scheme can be a challenging and confusing task. That’s why we recommend engaging a lawyer for your personal injury claim.

    READ MORE about Do I Need a Lawyer for My WorkCover Claim?
  • Walkers Beware: What you can do if you have been injured on a nature strip, walking trail, or footpath

    Everyone enjoys going on a recreational walk. Whether it be to exercise, socialise, or just get some fresh air, walking around our local neighbourhoods or walking tracks is something all Victorians do for a break from the inside. While often a …

    READ MORE about Walkers Beware: What you can do if you have been injured on a nature strip, walking trail, or footpath
  • New study finds 90% of welders exposed to Carcinogens

    A recent joint study between the University of Sydney and Curtin University found that as many as 46,000 Australian welders are exposed to high levels of dangerous, potentially cancer-causing fumes at work. In addition, the fumes can also cause neurological disorders …

    READ MORE about New study finds 90% of welders exposed to Carcinogens
  • Victoria

    Workplace Modernisation Changes

    Recently, the government made changes to the Victorian WorkCover Legislation via the WorkCover Scheme Modernisation Act 2024 and these changes were implemented effective from March 31, 2024. In summary, these changes predominantly affect WorkCover claims related to: The new stress claim …

    READ MORE about Workplace Modernisation Changes
  • Victoria

    The process of challenging a WorkCover decision in Victoria

    Sustaining an injury at work can have a significant impact on your life, presenting you with not only physical injuries, but also psychological and financial stress. The last thing you need is your WorkCover claim being rejected.

    What can you do if your claim is rejected?

    WorkCover is the primary authority responsible for your entitlements, such as weekly payments, medical expenses, or lump-sum claims. If one of Workcover’s insurers makes a decision you do not agree with (examples include: rejecting your claim or denying your request for physiotherapy) you are able dispute and challenge that decision.

    READ MORE about The process of challenging a WorkCover decision in Victoria
  • Soil, Potting Mix and Compost. The risks you may face at work.

    Soils, potting mix, and compost products typically contain basic ingredients, including water, gas, minerals, and organic matter. While these ingredients occur naturally in the environment, they provide a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus which can potentially cause rare illnesses, such as Legionnaire’s Disease or Mucormycosis.

    If your occupation involves work with soil, potting mix, and/or compost, it is important to follow appropriate safety measures and monitor for any symptoms.

    READ MORE about Soil, Potting Mix and Compost. The risks you may face at work.
  • National Blood Cancer Day: What you need to know about Occupational Blood Cancer

    Approximately 135,000 Australians currently live with blood cancer or a related blood disorder, and it is expected that more than 19,400 people will be newly diagnosed each year. With approximately 16 people will losing their life each day, blood cancer and …

    READ MORE about National Blood Cancer Day: What you need to know about Occupational Blood Cancer
  • Can my employer fire me if I make a workers’ compensation claim?

    If you are in a situation where you are on WorkCover, i.e you are engaged in a WorkCover claim, the law clearly dictates that you are unable to be dismissed from your employment.

    Not only are you unable to have your job discontinued, but your employer still has a legal requirement to offer you suitable duties. What constitutes this will depend on the given nature of your injuries, dictating what ‘duties’ are appropriate and suitable for you during this time.

    READ MORE about Can my employer fire me if I make a workers’ compensation claim?
  • Occupational Breast Cancer – What you need to know

    Breast cancer is among the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia, and the second most common in women. Around 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the time they are 85, most often in women older than 40.

    Although 99% of breast cancer diagnoses are in women, breast cancer also affects many men, with 1 in 667 men likely to be diagnosed by the age of 85. Gender diverse people taking female hormones are also at an increased risk of breast cancer.

    READ MORE about Occupational Breast Cancer – What you need to know