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  • Delivery driver driving van with parcels on seat

    Your options if injured travelling to, from or for work

    Whether your employer’s WorkCover insurance policy covers you while driving, or whether it falls under the TAC, depends on the reason you were driving.

    READ MORE about Your options if injured travelling to, from or for work
  • Man injured in a car accident attending doctors appointment holding lower back

    Car accidents and spinal injury claims: what you need to know

    No matter how you injured your back, whether at work, in a car accident or due to the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to compensation.

    READ MORE about Car accidents and spinal injury claims: what you need to know
  • What is my personal injury claim worth

    “What is my claim worth?” A look at how compensation is calculated under the TAC legal framework

    Our clients will inevitably ask, “how much money can I claim?”, the answer has both a theoretical and practical application.

    READ MORE about “What is my claim worth?” A look at how compensation is calculated under the TAC legal framework
  • School safety zone sign 40 speed limit

    The role of speed on car crashes and injuries

    Studies prove speeding has a direct impact on injury severity and consequently plays a role in a number of car accident claims.

    READ MORE about The role of speed on car crashes and injuries
  • Photo of a worker on a construction site shaking hands with his lawyer

    Why your personal credibility is important in court

    It’s an unpopular topic – the idea that the Court makes a value judgement about a person’s credibility based on their past and present behaviour. But it is also a reality of legal proceedings and something worth understanding properly.

    READ MORE about Why your personal credibility is important in court
  • Banner with the words how do I know if I have suffered a serious injury written on it

    How do I know if I have suffered a serious injury?

    Nowhere in the relevant Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic) is a ‘serious injury’ explicitly defined. So how do we determined if you’re suffering a “serious injury”?

    READ MORE about How do I know if I have suffered a serious injury?
  • Road accident involving two cars rear ended accident claim

    Can a low speed collision cause a whiplash injury?

    A whiplash injury can occur when a vehicle collides with another and the impact of the crash causes the head and neck of the driver, or passenger to be suddenly and forcefully thrown back and forth.

    READ MORE about Can a low speed collision cause a whiplash injury?
  • Victoria

    Riding in Cars with Pets

    Victorian traffic law is largely silent on how we should travel with our pets and imposes no direct obligation on a driver to prevent their pet from causing them distraction whilst driving. But one things for sure – drivers cannot operate a vehicle with an animal on their lap.

    READ MORE about Riding in Cars with Pets
  • Professional man suffering a psychological injury with his head in hands

    Claiming Loss of Opportunity after a Serious Injury

    In serious injury applications, one of the main aspects examined is whether an injury has had an impact on a person’s lifestyle and/or work. Loss of opportunity cases generally involve younger adults, however, can also apply to older adults.

    READ MORE about Claiming Loss of Opportunity after a Serious Injury
  • Man driving car

    Why You Shouldn’t Be Complacent When It Comes to Road Safety

    As a personal injury lawyer working in a busy motor vehicle accident practice, every day I come face to face with the impact that transport accidents have, not only on the victims but also their families.

    READ MORE about Why You Shouldn’t Be Complacent When It Comes to Road Safety