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  • Blocks of wood with letters that spell out life insurance

    What happens to my super if I die? Superannuation death benefits explained

    When you die, your superannuation account balance – together with any death insurance benefit that is part of your super – will be paid to your dependents. However, as a recent case in the media has demonstrated, this does not always occur.

    READ MORE about What happens to my super if I die? Superannuation death benefits explained
  • Close of a procedural fairness letter with a hand holding a pen hovering over it

    What is a Procedural Fairness Letter?

    When an insurer intends on declining your TPD claim or Income Protection claim, they will send you a Procedural Fairness letter. But what should you do when you receive a Procedural Fairness letter?

    READ MORE about What is a Procedural Fairness Letter?
  • Worker cutting stone with a grinder surrounded by silicosis causing dust

    Easier and faster access to WorkCover Entitlements for those workers exposed to Silica

    If you are or were exposed to respirable silica dust at work and have been diagnosed with silicosis with or without lung cancer and/or scleroderma you may be automatically entitled to WorkCover entitlements.

    READ MORE about Easier and faster access to WorkCover Entitlements for those workers exposed to Silica
  • Victoria

    Statutory maximum of over $630,000 achieved for one of our terminally ill WorkCover clients.

    Zaparas Lawyers has assisted one of their terminally ill WorkCover occupational disease clients achieve the statutory maximum non-economic payment in the form of an impairment benefit of over $630,000. This is just one of a number of successful statutory maximum outcomes achieved in recent years for the firm’s terminally ill clients.

    READ MORE about Statutory maximum of over $630,000 achieved for one of our terminally ill WorkCover clients.
  • Family hugging father who is in a wheelchair after suffering a work injury

    World Day for Health and Safety at Work

    The month of August marks the Tradies National Health Month, which is an initiative to highlight and raise awareness around the health, wellbeing and injury risks that affect tradies.

    READ MORE about World Day for Health and Safety at Work
  • Frontline workers standing in ICU wearing protective workwear holding up sign that says "stay home"

    National Safe Work Month

    October is National Safe Work Month. This month, Zaparas Lawyers would like to highlight and acknowledge the extraordinary work all our frontline workers have done and continue to do to fight COVID-19.

    READ MORE about National Safe Work Month
  • Newspaper article about school bullying public liability claim

    Bullying at School – Can I make a Public Liability Claim?

    In a recent article in the Herald Sun, ‘Ex-pupil sues over ‘bullying’ at school’ published on 5 September 2020 you were introduced to one of our clients, who had been the victim of repeated bullying during their senior high school years.

    READ MORE about Bullying at School – Can I make a Public Liability Claim?
  • Victoria

    1.25 Million Dollar Settlement During COVID-19 For Construction Worker and Young Dad

    COVID-19 has changed the way we do things, but it hasn’t changed our commitment to our clients. Our compassion and drive for achieving the settlements our clients deserve remains unshaken.

    READ MORE about 1.25 Million Dollar Settlement During COVID-19 For Construction Worker and Young Dad
  • The Facade of Dreamworld Gold Coast entrance building, Australia National flag flying against the beautiful clouds and blue sky.

    Coronial Inquest delivers charges over the 2016 theme park tragedy

    Dreamworld’s parent company Ardent Leisure has been charged over the 2016 theme park tragedy that killed four people when the Thunder River Rapids ride malfunctioned at the theme park in Coomera.

    READ MORE about Coronial Inquest delivers charges over the 2016 theme park tragedy
  • Businessman presenting work safety concept, hazards, protections, health and regulations

    New Victorian Workplace Manslaughter Laws

    New workplace manslaughter laws were introduced to prevent fatalities in the workplace and to hold to account organisations and their officers with the power and resources to improve safety.

    READ MORE about New Victorian Workplace Manslaughter Laws
  • Blue background with huge text saying "COVID-19" and red virus icons surrounding it

    What happens if you contract COVID-19 and who is responsible?

    If you believe that a person, organisation or company has failed to comply with a government-issued restrictions or failed to take reasonable care and precaution and you have become infected with COVID-19 you may have claim against them.

    READ MORE about What happens if you contract COVID-19 and who is responsible?
  • Shoe that is about to step on an exposed nail which will pierce the foot

    Top 3 Reasons to Contact a Public Liability Lawyer If Injured Out in Public

    Have you recently been out in public and sustained an injury? This injury could be something as small as twisting your ankle after tripping over raised concrete on a footpath, to breaking a bone after slipping on a freshly mopped floor at your local shopping centre.

    READ MORE about Top 3 Reasons to Contact a Public Liability Lawyer If Injured Out in Public