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Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024

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October 1st marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With as many as 21,000 Australian women expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024, raising awareness around the condition and its risk factors is essential.

Breast cancer is among the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Australia, and the second most common condition affecting women. Although 99% of breast cancer diagnoses are in women, breast cancer also affects men, with 1 in 667 men likely to be diagnosed by the age of 85. Gender diverse people taking female hormones are also at an increased risk of breast cancer.

Given that over 90% of breast cancer cases are attributed to environmental factors, it is crucial to understand risk factors in your workplace that may increase your likelihood of developing breast cancer.

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of cancerous tumour in the breast. It begins as an abnormal growth of cells in the breast region, most often in the lining of the breast lobules (the glands that produce milk), or the ducts (which carry milk to the nipples). If these abnormal cells grow, they can form a lump called a tumour. Not all tumours are cancerous, but those that are cancerous are called ‘malignant’ tumours and are at risk of spreading to other parts of the body.

Can my work cause Breast Cancer?

Some occupations can increase the risk of breast cancer, particularly those exposed to ionizing radiation. During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month it is important to highlight the industries that are most at risk. The following industries that are most at risk include:


  • Radiologists
  • Radiographers
  • Radiotherapists
  • Dental Workers

Manufacturing and industry

  • Industrial radiography workers
  • Mineral sand and uranium mining/processing workers


  • Customs officers

Nuclear industry

  • Those who work with isotopes


  • Those exposed to toxic fumes

Research has also shown that sedentary, shift/night work and exposure to benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides may also cause an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

In light of this, the following occupations are at risk:

  • Customer care and sales workers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Office workers
  • Medical personnel
  • Factory and warehouse workers
  • Firefighters
  • Automobile industry workers
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Gas Station workers
  • Construction workers
  • Farm workers and pest control operators

Signs and Symptoms

Not all changes to the breast are cancerous. Signs and symptoms to look out for include:

  • A lump, lumpiness or thickening in the breast, especially if only in one breast.
  • A change in the size or shape of the breast, or swelling.
  • Change in shape or crusting, sores, ulcers, redness, pain in the nipple.
  • Discharge from the nipple.
  • Nipple inverting (turning in) when it used to stick out.
  • Dimpling, rash, itchiness, scaly appearance or unusual redness on the breast skin.
  • Swelling or discomfort in the armpit or near the collarbone.
  • Ongoing and unusual pain not related to the menstrual cycle that remains after your period and is in one breast only.

The above symptoms do not necessarily mean that you have breast cancer, and it is important to discuss any concerns with your general practitioner.

What can I do to protect myself at work?

If you work in an industry with exposure to x-rays or other sources of ionizing radiation, your workplace should have methods in place to manage risks of exposure. This includes monitoring exposure, conducting surveys and monitoring radiation levels, as well as worker training on radiation protection.

Am I eligible for WorkCover compensation if I have Breast Cancer?

A worker diagnosed with breast cancer may be entitled to WorkCover compensation based on the nature of their employment (whether current or former employment).

It must be shown that the nature of your employment significantly increased the risk of you developing breast cancer, rather than needing to prove that your current or past employment with a specific employer is the actual cause of the disease.

A worker diagnosed with an occupational disease may be entitled to claim WorkCover compensation for:

You may also be entitled to other benefits regardless of whether you qualify for WorkCover compensation, including total and permanent disablement benefits from your superannuation policy.

Firefighter Presumptive Rights

Firefighters are susceptible to developing a range of cancers, including breast cancer, due to their increased exposure to carcinogenic substances. Accordingly in 2019, the Victorian Government enacted law providing presumptive rights to career and volunteer firefighters.

This means that firefighters will be automatically entitled to WorkCover compensation under the presumption that their cancer was caused by their service, provided they have been diagnosed from 1 June 2016 with one of the 15 prescribed cancers and had served in operational roles for a prescribed minimum number of years.

Breast cancer, along with cervical and ovarian cancer, were added as prescribed cancers in late 2023.

What to do if you think you have Occupational Breast Cancer

If you think you may have occupational breast cancer, you should see your general practitioner or specialist to determine if you have any conditions or diseases that may be due to the nature of your employment.

It is important that you give an occupational history.

During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month it is important to keep up to date with all relevant information as an individual in the workforce.

Given that the period between exposure and the onset of symptoms can be lengthy, early preventative measures and detection is highly recommended.

If you believe you have signs of breast cancer or any other illness that stems from your working conditions, you can contact us for a No Fee, Obligation appointment.