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    Forever Chemicals, Lasting Risks: The Occupational Dangers of PFAS

    PFAS, the subject of the movie ‘Dark Waters’ and recently released documentary ‘How to Poison a Planet Revealed’ are a group or ‘family’ of over 15,000 man-made chemicals that are not readily bio-degradable, widespread with numerous avenues for exposure and are toxic to environments and animals including humans.

    PFAS repeal heat, water, oil, and grease; properties which caused them to become a common ingredient in a large range of products and industries over the years. They were initially used for non-stick and waterproof coatings such as Teflon.

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  • Victoria

    How a WorkCover payout is calculated?

    Acquiring an injury at work and attempting to seek compensation can be a stressful process, where complicated terms and rules surrounding WorkCover payments can generate a confusing procedure. An injury at work can entitle you to several differing compensation options, of …

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  • Victoria

    Medical Panels and WorkCover – What you need to know

    Functions of Medical Panels in WorkCover Claims Throughout the WorkCover claim process, disputes may arise regarding medical questions critical to your claim. These questions can significantly impact whether your claim is successful and the extent of your entitlements. Medical Panels serve …

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  • World Cancer Day 2025: Understanding Occupational Cancers

    Cancer affects over a million Australians, with 3 in 10 deaths attributable to cancer and an estimated 5000 new cases of work-related cancer annually. World Cancer Day, on February 4th, serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection and …

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  • What is the Link between the Beauty Industry and Occupational Disease?

    What is the Link between the Beauty Industry and Disease? Workers in the beauty industry are vulnerable to several health risks due to the presence of toxic substances like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These substances, including aromatics, ketones, esters, and ammonium …

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  • Victoria

    Compensation for Firefighter with Parkinson’s Disease

    Recently Zaparas Lawyers successfully assisted a retired firefighter to obtain WorkCover compensation including medical and like services and a period of weekly payments in relation to his Parkinson’s Disease. Our client, Joe*, a 79-year-old retired firefighter that had been employed by …

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  • National Lung Cancer Screening Program 2025

    Lung cancer remains a significant health concern in Australia, being the fifth most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Recognizing the critical importance of early detection, the Australian Government is set to launch the National Lung Cancer Screening …

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  • Asbestos Awareness Month 2024

    Asbestos Awareness Month 2024 serves as a vital reminder of the persisting hidden dangers of asbestos exposure in the current Australian landscape. According to Australia’s Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency, 4,000 Australians die from asbestos-related diseases each year, and approximately 6 …

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  • A doctor doing a Skin Cancer Check on a patient

    National Skin Cancer Action Week: Staying Safe in the Australian Sun

    National Skin Cancer Action Week (17-23 November) is a reminder of the well-known dangers of skin cancer. Termed the ‘national cancer’, Australia holds the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Although skin cancer is largely preventable, two out of …

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  • This Lung Cancer Awareness Day, we look to our medical professionals to educate the public on Respiratory Health

    Lung Cancer Awareness 2024: The Occupational Link

    Each November, we observe Lung Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to shed light on one of the most common and deadly cancers affecting 2.5 million people worldwide. This month is dedicated to raising awareness of the environmental and occupational risk factors …

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  • Worker, feeling the affects of working in the heat.

    Feeling the heat? Know your rights when working in the heat this summer

    The Australian summer is a period generally represented by rest and relaxation over Christmas and the New Year, however for those working during this time, there are several risks which can arise during these hot months for workers. Notorious for hosting …

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  • Victoria

    Riding through the legal roadblock: Know your rights after a Motorcycle Accident

    Victoria is home to over 200,000 registered motorbike riders, with these small, nimble vehicles depicting a favourite alternative to other transport options for many. However, use of such vehicles does not come without extensive risk, that is why it is imperative …

    READ MORE about Riding through the legal roadblock: Know your rights after a Motorcycle Accident