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Road Safety Reset: Navigating Long Weekend Journeys with Care

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Please note that this post was written for Victorian audiences and the information within may not apply to other regions.

Every year, knowledge and awareness about the dangers related to road accidents rise, but as we continue to depend on our roadway systems in our day to day lives, it always remains possible that an accident may occur. This becomes exemplified during public holidays, such as the upcoming Labour Day long-weekend, where busier roads and more drivers increases the likelihood of an accident arising. With many people expecting to be travelling for social events and various trips, the expected increased traffic establishes a higher risk of something unexpected happening.

At Zaparas Lawyers, we witness first hand the immediate, and ongoing impacts of transport accidents every day, so we recognise the unforeseen and distressing nature such an accident can depict. Dealing with the impacts of traumatic road accidents has shown us how such disasters can happen to anyone, irrespective of where you are, or what precautions you take. This is why as well as advocating on behalf of those hurt, at Zaparas we have a focus on road safety education and awareness.

Australia’s road-death statistics

Despite increased recognition of road-safety dangers, already in the past year the number of deaths from road users has risen by 11.1% in Victoria, as 43 people have died in the first two months of 2024. To put this into perspective, around 1,200 Australians die year-round, as traffic injury continues to be a prevalent reason for deaths between ages 15 to 24. This indicates the unpredictable nature of transport accidents, something costing the Australian economy a predicted $30 billion per year. Further data representing these recent rises are explored in more depth on the TAC website.

These figures become very disturbing, especially considering the impacts of each accident extending beyond merely just the victim and their injury, but to the mental and psychological risks to both friends and families. With over 5 million registered cars in Victoria alone, the labour day long-weekend acts as an urging risk to countless Australians who want to enjoy their extra day off.

Reckless driving and unsafe vehicles are never worth the cost of someone’s life, making it vital to remain alert and aware on the road. As seen with the data, current road risks are ever-present, so when driving remember to slowdown as traffic rises. Look out for pedestrians and give motorcycles and bicycles appropriate space to ensure safer roads during busier times.

 Safety Check

In case an accident does occur, it is crucial that the condition of your car doesn’t place you in a position of additional, unnecessary risk of injury. Before undertaking any trip or journey, at a minimum, you should check:

  • Tyre pressure and wear
  • Climate control
  • Light functions
  • Distractions are limited.
  • Your trip is well planned.
  • Car battery life

If you’re unfortunate enough to be injured in a car accident, or sustained an injury where a form of transport is involved, you may be eligible for some form of compensation. Certain time limits may apply, so it is important that you contact us and seek legal advice immediately.